82. Gratitude + Giving Thanks


It’s Thanksgiving week in the U.S. and whether you celebrate the holiday or not, it’s a good time to express your gratitude. In a year where we’re often focused on what’s lacking, now is the perfect time to slow down and find joy in what you have.



“The sentiment of slowing down to reconnect, to seek joy particularly with those you love and that matter to you — I’m absolutely down with that.”

“Pausing to show gratitude for what you have is acknowledging the abundance you’ve received and what you can do with it.”

“Whatever it is that will refill your cup, it’s a good time to remember to do those things.”

“I have gratitude to those who have answered the call to do things differently — to make an impact bigger than them.”

Episode Notes


Erica and her family don’t celebrate Thanksgiving as it’s taught. While she doesn’t believe in the narrative, she does believe in a day of giving thanks.

It’s important to find time to slow down, show gratitude, and feel joy even when things don’t feel as bountiful as they have in past years. 

As someone who enjoyed moving around and being with other people, Erica shares that she misses the person-to-person interaction. In January, her year was set to be filled with conferences and events.  She had many things planned but life had other things in mind.


Even though things may not have gone as we all would have liked, we have much to be grateful for. 

Gratitude can be as simple as finding reasons to recognize where you have privilege. It can be pausing to acknowledge the abundance you’ve received and thinking about what you can do with it. 

Most of us can show gratitude for:

  • Working from home and not be stuck in traffic.

  • Choosing what we want to eat for Thanksgiving.

  • Having access to the internet and electronics so that we can connect with those that matter even if they aren’t nearby.

  • The ability to work and be safe doing it.

  • Having a voice and a body that’s healthy.


Joy feels like it’s at a premium, like it’s out of reach this year. That’s why it’s so important to reconnect to joy in large and small ways: listen to music, dance, laugh, read, learn, be still. Whatever it is that will refill your cup, it’s a good time to remember to do those things.

Erica expresses her gratitude to those who have answered the call to do things differently — to make an impact bigger than them.

No matter how she interacts with you, no matter how she’s able to be a part of your life, she wants you to know she’s grateful for you.

The work will always be here waiting for you. For now, Erica has just one ask: slow down, show your gratitude.

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